Here’s how to ‘fleet’ with Twitter’s new disappearing tweet feature

beSpacific 2020-11-18

Fast Company – “Twitter is now catering to the commitment phobic. This morning, the company launched Fleets—a portmanteau of “fleeting” and “tweets”—which exit only for 24 hours. The feature is an effort to engage more people on the social media platform, because Fleets feel less public and less permanent, especially for those new to Twitter.

Here’s how to Fleet:

  1. Tap the “Share” icon at the bottom on a tweet.
  2. Select “Share in Fleet.”
  3. Add whatever you want—text, photos, videos, emojis, etc. (Currently, live broadcasting and stickers aren’t available for Fleets, but the company says they’re coming.)
  4. If you choose to, customize your background and text…”