When can everyone in the US get a Covid-19 vaccine?

beSpacific 2021-02-01

Vox – We still don’t know: “As America’s bumpy Covid-19 vaccine rollout continues, a lot of people still have one very big question: When can I get a Covid-19 vaccine? For the vast majority of people, we don’t know yet. There are too many variables, from how much the new federal government can improve vaccination rates to which vaccines get approved for use in the future, muddying any potential predictions for vaccines. Under federal guidelines and states’ current plans, the US has made vaccines available to limited groups of people: health care workers and nursing home residents first, with older Americans (particularly 65 and up) and at least some groups of essential workers to follow. For the rest of the country, how quickly you might get a vaccine depends entirely on the pace of the rollout; that will dictate when it’s finally your turn in the line. And right now, too much is changing to get hard answers for when everyone will be able to get a vaccine. As it stands, about 1.2 million people in the US are getting either their first or second Covid-19 vaccine dose a day. With nearly 22 million Americans already getting at least their first shot, the country is currently on track to hit a 75 percent vaccination rate — a possible herd immunity threshold — as late as early 2022. At current rates, getting every person in the US vaccinated — a lofty goal — could take until as late as summer 2022. That’s definitely alarming, given that no one wants this to take until next year. But experts and government officials expect the pace of vaccinations to start to pick up in the coming months — although that can only happen if the Biden administration, states, and vaccine producers fix a host of problems hindering America’s vaccination campaign…”

See also Gizmodo – A Volunteer-Run Website Helps You Find a Vaccine Appointment in New York City’s Online Maze