Google Maps will soon let you draw on a map to fix it
beSpacific 2021-03-11
The Verge – Missing road? You can plot it yourself. “If you’ve ever been frustrated by a road simply not existing on Google Maps, the company’s now making it easier than ever to add it. Google will be updating its map editing experience to allow users to add missing roads and realign, rename or delete incorrect ones. It calls the experience “drawing,” but it’s closer to using the line tool in Microsoft Paint. The updated tool should be “rolling out over the coming months in more than 80 countries,” according to a blog post. Currently, if you try to add a missing road, you can only drop a pin where the road should be and type in the road’s name to submit that information to Google. The new tool should make it easier to not only add missing roads, but to make corrections such as fixing a road’s name or its direction (for example, if the road is one-way but Google Maps says it isn’t)…”