How to Protest Without Sacrificing Your Digital Privacy

beSpacific 2021-04-09

Vice: “Thousands of protesters are filling the streets of American cities to protest the police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, and police brutality writ large. Police officers have shown they’re more than willing to escalate violence with pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets, vehicles, and other dangerous crowd suppression measures. In addition, law enforcement are likely heavily surveilling protests with all sorts of tech and spying gear. Already, we’ve seen a Customs and Border patrol drone flying over Minneapolis protests.  It’s not just the cops that protesters need to worry about: when much of a protest is broadcast via tweets, viral video clips, and livestreams, those watching may also want to digitally target protesters, perhaps by identifying them publicly. So, if you’re a peaceful protester, but you don’t necessarily want your participation in a demonstration to follow you around or lead to harassment online, what sort of steps can you take around your digital security?…”