The Lawyers of Substack

beSpacific 2021-05-06

LawSites – “This week, David Lat, who founded the blog Above the Law in 2006, and who earlier, in 2004, started the anonymous blog Underneath Their Robes, and who left blogging two years ago to take a job as a legal recruiter, is returning to writing as a full-time livelihood. But this time, Lat will not be publishing his writing on a blog. Instead, he will be publishing a newsletter on Substack, hoping that enough subscribers ante up $5 a month to support him in his craft. As someone who gained near-celebrity status in the legal world through blogging, Lat’s choice of Substack for his return to full-time writing may seem surprising. But, as he explains, he likes that Substack’s subscription model allows him to make a living without the need to generate millions of pageviews or clutter his writing with annoying ads. If you are not familiar with Substack, it is, depending on what you read, either the salvation of publishing or its ruination. Its model of making it easy to publish and monetize newsletters has drawn big-name writers to its platform, many of whom have left jobs with mainstream publications in the hopes of making a living – or, even better, of making a killing – as independent authors…”