Biden Commission Releases Research into Possible Supreme Court Expansion

beSpacific 2021-10-18

  • NBC News – Biden commission releases research into possible Supreme Court expansion
  • “The panel will meet Friday to discuss factors that should determine whether and how to change the number of justices, among other reform proposals. The following are discussion materials on SETTING THE STAGE: THE GENESIS OF THE REFORM DEBATE AND THE COMMISSION’S MISSION assembled solely for deliberation by the President’s Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. Each set of discussion materials was prepared by a working group for the Commission’s use in studying and deliberating on the issues identified in Executive Order 14023. These materials attempt to set forth the broad range of arguments that have been made in the  course of the public debate over reform of the Supreme Court. They were designed to be inclusive in their discussion of these arguments to assist the Commission in robust, wide-ranging deliberations.
  • The Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States will meet Friday to begin writing a report to the president, likely to be presented next month. Mostly made up of academics, the draft materials that the commission has collected so far, released Thursday night, read much like a textbook on history and available options, rather than a manifesto for change. The group is not charged with divining a direction. “It is an assessment. It is not a recommendation,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday. And, at present, it is not even a report. The released material was compiled by subcommittees on the commission, and the group as a whole has not considered the material…”