This Scientist Created a Rapid Test Just Weeks Into the Pandemic

beSpacific 2021-12-22

ProPublica: “Here’s Why You Still Can’t Get It. Irene Bosch developed a quick, inexpensive COVID-19 test in early 2020. When COVID-19 started sweeping across America in the spring of 2020, Irene Bosch knew she was in a unique position to help. The Harvard-trained scientist had just developed quick, inexpensive tests for several tropical diseases, and her method could be adapted for the novel coronavirus. So Bosch and the company she had co-founded two years earlier seemed well-suited to address an enormous testing shortage. E25Bio — named after the massive red brick building at MIT that houses the lab where Bosch worked — already had support from the National Institutes of Health, along with a consortium of investors led by MIT. Within a few weeks, Bosch and her colleagues had a test that would detect coronavirus in 15 minutes and produce a red line on a little chemical strip. The factory where they were planning to make tests for dengue fever could quickly retool to produce at least 100,000 COVID-19 tests per week, she said, priced at less than $10 apiece, or cheaper at a higher scale… On March 21 — when the U.S. had recorded only a few hundred COVID-19 deaths Bosch submitted the test for emergency authorization, a process the Food and Drug Administration uses to expedite tests and treatments. A green light from the FDA could have made a big difference for the many Americans who were then frantically trying to find doctors to swab their noses, with results, if they were lucky, coming back only days later. But the go-ahead never came…”