Cross-Agency Priority Goals

beSpacific 2014-03-18

Cross-Agency Priority goals address the longstanding challenge of tackling horizontal problems across vertical organizational silos. 15 Cross-Agency Priority Goals were announced in the 2015 Budget, these include 7 mission-oriented and 8 management-focused goals with a 4-year time horizon. To establish these goals, OMB solicited nominations from Federal agencies and several Congressional Committees. Established by the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, these Cross-Agency Priority Goals are a tool used by leadership to accelerate progress on a limited number of Presidential priority areas where implementation requires active collaboration between multiple agencies. To ensure effective leadership and accountability across Federal Government, goals have a named senior leader both within the Executive Office of the President and within key delivery agencies. For example, the National Economic Council, together with the Deputy Secretaries from the Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of State are leading efforts to encourage foreign direct investment and spur job growth by improving Federal investment tools and resources while increasing interagency coordination. In another example, the Presidential Personnel Office and Office of Personnel Management are teaming up to strengthen our Federal workforce through data-driven efforts to improve employee engagement, hiring reform, and improving our management cadre. Later this spring, the Goal Leaders will release more detailed action plans for each of their goals including specific metrics and milestones that will be used to gauge progress. To maintain the focus on implementation, each quarter, OMB will review progress on these goals and will update with the latest results.”

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