Legal Research Demystified, Second Edition

beSpacific 2022-05-17

Voigt, Eric, Legal Research Demystified, Second Edition (Table of Contents of Book and Excerpt from Chapter 6 on Secondary Sources) (April 14, 2022). Legal Research Demystified: A Step-by-Step Approach, Second Edition (Carolina Academic Press, 2022), ISBN 978-1-5310-2130-6, Available at SSRN:

“Since 2019, Legal Research Demystified has quickly gained adoptions at over thirty law schools. This textbook guides law students through eight steps to research common law issues and ten steps to research statutory issues. These research steps are demonstrated through many hypotheticals and visual aids. Students have praised the textbook for its screen captures, checklists, and descriptive charts, such as charts demonstrating Boolean searching and comparing features of citators. Professors have appreciated that the book educates students on how to do legal research instead of discussing tools and resources in a vacuum. This second edition retains those features and includes revised and expanded coverage of the following topics: finding and navigating secondary sources; validating legal authorities on Westlaw and Lexis; locating federal and state statutes; and finding cases that interpret relevant statutes. Screen captures have been updated throughout the book, and new multiple-choice and select-all-that-apply questions have been added to nearly every chapter. With the purchase of a new book, students gain FREE access to Core Knowledge for Lawyers, an assessment and teaching platform by Carolina Academic Press. The Core Knowledge platform contains almost 200 auto-grading questions from the end of each chapter of the book. That online platform also hosts interactive legal research exercises that provide instant feedback. Through a series of questions and explanations, each exercise walks students through the steps for researching a common law issue or statutory issue on Westlaw or Lexis. Professors can create an account for free at”