LinkedIn privacy settings to change now

beSpacific 2022-07-26

Washington Post: “You might not think of LinkedIn as a privacy risk, especially compared to the social networks that make lots of headlines for being naughty. LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft, is where you share your resume with the world — information many members want to be visible, especially if they’re hunting for a job. But using LinkedIn comes with some exposure that may not be so obvious. For one: salespeople, crooks or stalkers could try to use the details you reveal on LinkedIn to target you with aggressive pitches, trick you into targeted phishing attacks or otherwise gain your confidence. You could also inadvertently leave breadcrumbs that suggest to your current employer that you’re on the hunt for a new job. Also, some of LinkedIn’s default settings make you less anonymous than other social networks. One that often shocks people: If you don’t adjust your visibility settings, other members can know when you’ve been looking at their profiles. LinkedIn has dozens of data, privacy and advertising settings you can control. Where to start? This guide takes you through the most important ones…” [Note – LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft]