Internet Archives – We have added a Mastodon Server

beSpacific 2022-11-14

“The Internet Archive has recently set up its own Mastodon server– a federated/decentralized open source social media package– that has garnered lots of attention lately.We use it in ways that we use twitter now (we are not leaving twitter): • for events, announcements, and fun things • Staff accounts (e.g. my account for, well, whatever.

Why?  We need a game with many winners, not just a few powerful players. Through our dweb work, the Internet Archive has catalyzed decentralized web technologies through conferences, summits, meet-ups and camps for 6 years. We need new tech to help with privacy, robustness, and work around issues of disinformation and corporate consolidation.  Mastodon is built on open standards so others can build alternative clients and integrate it into other systems.”