OECD – Services Trade Restrictiveness Index

beSpacific 2014-05-07

“Trade in services drives the exchange of ideas, know-how and technology. It helps firms cut costs, increase productivity, participate in global value chains and boost competitiveness. Consumers benefit from lower prices and greater choice. However, international trade in services is often impeded by trade and investment barriers and domestic regulations. The Service Trade Restrictions Index (STRI) helps identify which policy measures restrict trade. It provides policy makers and negotiators with information and measurement tools to open up international trade in services and negotiate international trade agreements. It can also help governments identify best practice and then focus their domestic reform efforts on priority sectors and measures. The STRI indices take the value from 0 to 1, where 0 is completely open and 1 is completely closed. They are calculated on the basis of information in the STRI database which reports regulation currently in force.”

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