How Americans see the state of gender and leadership in business
beSpacific 2023-09-27
“Women now account for record shares of Fortune 500 chief executives and board members in the United States – 10.6% and 30.4%, respectively. Still, the share of women in top business leadership positions remains well below their share of the population. A majority of Americans (55%) say there are too few women in top executive business positions, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. This is down somewhat from 59% who said this in 2018. Among those who say there are too few women in top business positions, most (79%) say it would be ideal to have the same number of women and men in these roles. One-in-ten say having more women than men would be ideal. The same share (10%) say it would be ideal to have more women in these positions than there are now, but still not as many women as men. Americans see many factors as major reasons why there aren’t more women in top executive business positions, such as:
- Women having to do more to prove themselves than men (58% say this is a major reason)
- Gender discrimination (50%)
- Family responsibilities (48%)
- Many businesses not being ready to hire women for these positions (43%)
- Sexual harassment creating an environment that makes it harder for women to succeed (40%)”