How to Block Emails on Gmail

beSpacific 2023-11-08

MakeUseOf: “An overflowing inbox filled with unread emails, spam messages, and annoying notifications can quickly become overwhelming. Luckily, Gmail provides simple tools to help you clean up your inbox and stop unwanted emails from bombarding you. Let’s take a closer look at how to stop unwanted emails from finding their way into your inbox. We’re going to look at the various step-by-step instructions from both a desktop and a mobile standpoint. We’ll start with how to block emails on Gmail if you’re using a desktop or laptop. Before you begin, a word of warning—although some third-party email clients do allow you to block email addresses and report spam, we have found them to be somewhat hit-and-miss when it comes to syncing with your Gmail account. We recommend doing all email blocking and spam management via the Gmail web portal or the official mobile app…”