Climate Change and “The Chosen One”

beSpacific 2024-02-05

A leading presidential candidate recently reposted a video that called him  the “Chosen One,” echoing the view of many of his followers that God has chosen him to lead the country. “And on June 14, 1946,” the video tells us, “God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.’ So God gave us Trump.”

What would a victory by the Chosen One in 2024 mean for climate policy?

In a speech in December, he said that wanted to be “dictator for a day” to build a wall and to “drill, drill, drill.” He has doubled down on claims that climate change is a hoax and mocks climate advocates for worrying about whether “the ocean will rise by 1/100th of an inch over the next 350 years.”

Former Trump staffers are heavily involved in the Heritage Foundation’s Project 25, an action plan for a new presidential term. The plan calls for repealing the Inflation Reduction Act’s multi-billion-dollar funding for clean energy, repealing EPA’s keystone finding that carbon emissions are harmful, opening new areas to oil and gas drilling, and installing climate deniers in key positions in the executive branch.

Trump’s own campaign website says he will:

   “Free up the vast stores of liquid gold on America’s public land for energy development”     “Exit the horrendously unfair Paris Climate Accords”    Rescind every one of Joe Biden’s . . .  anti-American electricity regulations”    Provide tax relief [to] America’s oil, gas, and coal producers”    End Biden’s insane CAFE fuel economy standard”

In case you didn’t catch the message, the website says the plan is to “DRILL, BABY, DRILL.”

Trump rolled back nearly every climate-related regulation in his first Term. A second presidential term would be less restrained, just as Trump himself has become less restrained in his anger at those he considers “enemies of the people.”

There will be fewer speed bumps to slow him down: The cadre of mainstream Republicans in Congress has been depleted, and the federal judiciary is now full of his appointees. And Trump will come into office with a much clearer roadmap, thanks to the Heritage Foundation.  As for respect for the rule of law, don’t forget the claim by Trump’s lawyers that as president he would be immune from prosecution even if he ordered the murder of a political rival.

Say what you will about Trump, no one can accuse him of hiding the ball. His intentions are perfectly clear, as befits the “Chosen One.”

What you see is exactly what we’ll get in a new Trump Administration: a dedicated effort to reverse progress on climate change and burn as many fossil fuels as possible.