"ControversialTruths.com" is truly honored that Michael Pettis agreed to do an interview with our site. Michael Pettis, as many of our readers already know, is a finance professor at Beijing University (commonly referred to as "China's Harvard"). On his site, he mentions his experience as a "Wall Street veteran, merchant banker, equities trader, economist, finance professor, (and) entrepreneur." I've read two of his most recent books The Great Rebalancing: Trade, Conflict, and the Perilous Road Ahead for the World Economy and Avoiding the Fall: China's Economic Restructuring and I personally guarantee you that Michael Pettis is a leading thinker when it comes to both the Chinese economy and the overall global balance of trade. He's one-of-a-kind individual who throughout his books is passionate about trying to judge things fairly...and not see economic issues from a single country's perspective or from a single ideological framework. When he speaks, you know you should listen because you're going to get information that is not only based on decades of experience both in the private sector and academia, but you're getting it from a person who seems to have absolutely no biases whatsoever. Michael Pettis is a diamond and we're so thankful he took so much time to answer our questions. Here is a transcript of the interview. Both the questions and the answers are here in their entirety.
Controversial Truths
Special interview with Michael Pettis Doug Pancoast