Lorenzo Marsili — Europe is diverging: ignore it at your peril
Mike Norman Economics 2014-01-08
Without the possibility of monetary devaluation to keep imbalances in check, and without courageous common fiscal policies, austerity calls for internal devaluation, at the notable expense of labour, social welfare and of investment for growth. A 2013 report by the Red Cross highlights that Europe is the only continent on the planet where the number of poor people is increasing rather than decreasing. This should come as a tremendous shock to all of us. Ungoverned, the process of economic divergence risks locking Europe into long-term stagnation, rising inequalities and chronic unemployment. This is not the prophecy of a Cassandra, but the bulletins of the ECB and the IMF read without blinkers.OpenDemocracy Europe is diverging: ignore it at your peril
Lorenzo Marsili
The cradle of modern civilization is rotting away, with progress reversing.