Dirk Ehnts — Austerity and stupidity revisited
Mike Norman Economics 2014-01-15
The title is not my creation, but just a continuation of the VoxEU article by the ECB’s Lorenzo Bini Smaghi. Here is the abstract:
econoblog 101 Austerity and stupidity revisited Dirk Ehnts | Berlin School for Economics and LawToday’s austerity, many argue, is stupid. This column argues that today’s EZ austerity may arise from stupidity before the crisis – specifically lacklustre structural reform. Excess debt arose in nations maintaining unsustainable living standards and welfare systems in the face of poor growth. The Crisis forced radical adjustments such as austerity in a recession. It’s not austerity which caused low growth, but low pre-Crisis growth which ultimately caused austerity. The way out of austerity is fundamental pro-growth reforms that create room for more gradual fiscal adjustment.I put this article aside to think about it because my first impression was that this piece is rather strange and deserves a strong reply. Maybe over time I would think differently? No, I don’t. Let me just very quickly go through the abstract.
It's becoming clear that the neoliberal strategy is disaster capitalism — set up a situation designed to fail — after huge rent extraction — and then impose the neoliberal fix — to extract more rent.