Behind the Ukraine crisis is a revision of World War II history that seeks to honor eastern European collaborators with Hitler and the Holocaust by repackaging these rightists as anti-Soviet heroes, a reality shielded from the U.S. public, as Dovid Katz explains.
Consortium News
The Hushed-Up Hitler Factor in Ukraine David Katz | former professor at Vilnius University, Lithuania, and editor of, dedicated to investigating Holocaust denial. Russians, on the other hand, are well aware of this. The is a colossally huge mistake on the part of the US, the UK and Western Europe. And especially Germany, in that the worst suspicions that Germany has not reformed are being reinforced. The US is already well known for using black ops for overthrowing democratically elected governments and forming unsavory alliances when politically convenient, with the UK perceived as the US toady in this. But this has generally be more peripheral. Now it is taking place in the heart of Europe. No, WWII is not long over and now forgotten in Europe. This painful memory is being exacerbated by the rise of rightwing parties in Europe, often with either Nazi sympathies or neo-Nazi participation, owing to dire economic conditions resulting from neoliberal austerity policy.