Russia Insider — Top German Banker: Russia and China Will Defeat US Hegemony

Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-01

Folker Hellmeyer, chief economist at Bremer Landesbank, has no doubts about the future of the global economic system: The axis Moscow-Beijing-BRICS will prevail against the old hegemon USA. These countries have had enough of the West, because they want to pursue a long-term strategy and not opportunism. The EU is likely to be among the losers, due to its blind sanctions-obedience.
Merkel running into problems with her pro-US policy at the expense of German economic interests? Bankers don't just say stuff like this unless it is to send a message that this not getting through backchannel.
Apparently some participants in European politics lack the comprehension of the full scope of their actions on our behalf.
That's a smackdown. Then he goes on to smackdown the US.
To Mr. Steinmeier’s credit, he does speak plainly behind closed doors. The question is whether the actions beyond the Atlantic support Mr. Steinmeier. I refer in this regard to the case of Victoria Nuland. Fact is that with the coup in Ukraine a Moscow-friendly oligarchy has been replaced with a US-friendly oligarchy. That was geopolitics that benifits third powers, but definitely not Germany, not the EU, not Russia and not Ukraine..
The fact that important positions in the Ukrainian administration are being taken by external personell with extreme proximity to the US and its institutions, underscores the geopolitical character of the coup. Ergo the term „master plan“ is at least arguable....
What's really going on?
A prominent figure in recent German politics, not in office anymore, said in bilateral talks that US-geopolitics is best described as a game of chess on the chessboard of Ukraine with the blood of Ukrainian pawns over the boards of Moscow against the power center Beijing. I share this view.
The kicker.
German Economic News: The contempt that the US government shows in dealing with Europeans is truely remarkable – keywords NSA and „Fuck the EU“. Don’t European politicians have any self-respect or are they too cowardly? Folker Hellmeyer: Anyone, who is a true democrat, who takes his duties for the „res publica“ seriuosly, who doesn’t trample on his own right to self-determination, needs to draw conclusions from these remarks. Those who do not, have deficits in respect to our set of values. I’m the wrong person to talk to. You have to ask our politicians these questions.
German Economic News: Inversely proportianal to the subservience towards Washington is the aggressiveness inwards: First dissenters were defamed as „Putin-Versteher“ [Putin-understander or Putin-whisperer] now you are a „Putin-troll“ if you don’t howl with the wolves. Does the cold war already cost us a part of our democratic freedom?
Folker Hellmeyer: In late 2007, I enunciated in the preface of my book „Endlich Klartext“ [„Finally Plain Text“]: „First the free markets die, then democracy!“ In this book I also analysed the US hegemonial system. The current geopolitical conflicts are being abused domestically to demolish democratic liberties with increasing speed. I am more concerned than ever. Currently I deal with the term „terror of the mainstream“. We pretend to be tolerant and pluralistic. But if you differ from the mainstream in politically sensitive issues, you run the risk of being isolated and defamed. These developments are contrary to the claims of democracy and freedom. Yes, the current conflicts cost us democracy.....
German Economic News: How does the conflict continue? Is it conceivable that Americans and Russians get together again – perhaps because of IS or Syria – and the Europeans again trail behind both great powers and pay?
Folker Hellmeyer: To me, the conflict has already been decided. The axis Moscow-Beijing-BRIC wins. They’ve had enough of the West....
What's at stake is democracy.
FH: The stability of a democracy depends on the stability of its economy. If permanent damage is inflicted on an economy, the radicalization of a society increases. The German Empire made this experience in 1933. Aside from that, there is the option of an elected dictatorship as in an oligarchy. With this regard there is a survey of the Princten University: “The USA is not a democracy anymore, it’s an oligarchy!” Ooops, that was not political correct....
At the moment there is more at stake than ordinary people want to acknowledge. You see me deeply concerned.
Russia Insider Top German Banker: Russia and China Will Defeat US Hegemony The article originally appeared at German Economic News.
Translated for RI by Alexander Samarkin