Jörg Bibow — On Net-exports Life Support: Germany Is Back at It, and Now Euroland Is Too

Mike Norman Economics 2013-07-07

One thing is for sure: the German authorities will continue preaching the gospel that price stability, austerity, and structural reform are good for growth and well-being, no matter what dimension the collateral damages insanely inflicted across Europe in this holy war might still reach. As an über-competitive Germany brought crisis to Europe, beware what a Europe striving for über-competitiveness under German command might do to the world.
Multiplier Effect On Net-exports Life Support: Germany Is Back at It, and Now Euroland Is Too Jörg Bibow This is the hidden agenda behind the creation of the euro and a united Europe that would be competitive with the US and China as it emerges. Was Oswald Spengler prescient after all in The Decline of the West (1918, 1922)?
Some, such as Amaury de Riencourt in The Coming Caesars,[16] maintain that Spengler's predictions have been borne out as the United States has pushed aside the other powers of the West and established a Pax Americana. De Reincourt's work suggested that the United States of America would enter its Caesarian phase in the 1990s. They also point to trends in arts and philosophy.
On the other hand, it has been argued that Spengler believed that the West's final, "Caesaristic" phase was destined to be fulfilled under German domination;[17] Germany's defeat in the two World Wars has therefore prevented that transition from taking place. Spengler did of course warn that Hitler was not the right man to guide Europe into the preliminary stages of Caesarism; he thought that Hitler would badly mishandle the whole process. (source)