Deirdre Fulton — Bernie Sanders Blasts Troika for 'Abysmal Failure' of Greek Austerity
Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-02
Describing the austerity policies that European creditors have imposed on Greece as an "abysmal failure," progressive presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday chastised the so-called Troika—the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB), and the European Commission—for inflicting severe "economic pain and suffering" on the Greek people.
"It is unacceptable that the International Monetary Fund and European policymakers have refused to work with the Greek government on a sensible plan to improve its economy and pay back its debt," Sanders said in an exclusive statement to the Huffington Post. "At a time of grotesque wealth inequality, the pensions of the people in Greece should not be cut even further to pay back some of the largest banks and wealthiest financiers in the world."Common Dreams Bernie Sanders Blasts Troika for 'Abysmal Failure' of Greek Austerity
Deirdre Fulton See also
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