Alex Andreou — How Europe Played Greece

Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-04

The mask is off neoliberalism. It's the new fascism.
The ECB has acted to asphyxiate the Greek economy - the ultimate blackmail to force subordination. The money is there, in our accounts, but we cannot have access to it, because the overseers of our own banking system, the very people who some months ago issued guarantees of liquidity, have decided to deny liquidity. We have phantom money, but no real money. There is a terrifying poetry to that, since the entire crisis was caused by too much phantom money in the first place.
EU Institutions are now openly admitting that their aim is regime change. A coup d'état in anything by name, using banks instead of tanks and a corrupt media as the occupiers' broadcaster. The rest of Europe stands back and watches. Those leaders who promised the Syriza government support before the election, have ducked for cover. I understand it. They sympathise, but they don't want to be next. They are honourable cowards. They look at the punishment beating being meted out and their instinct is to protect their own.
Byline Alex Andreou
ht Don quijones at Raging Bull-Shit
See also
Truthout | Interview (11 September 2014) An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out: John Perkins on How Greece Has Fallen Victim to "Economic Hit Men"
Michael Nevradakis interviews John Perkins
John Perkins, Greece: A Prophecy Fulfilled? (2 July 2015)