If Greece votes "NO" and exits the euro and re-introduces the drachma, I am buying every Greek stock I can buy.
Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-05
If Greece votes "NO" and exits the euro and re-introduces the drachma I am buying every Greek stock I can buy. Hopefully, the initial reaction will be a sharp selloff, so this way I can get them at a huge discount. After Argentina broke the dollar peg and went back to the peso in 2002, the Argentine stock market proceeded on a 1500% advance over the next two years. It was the best performing stock market in the world. I don't believe in all the gloom and doomers who say that going back to the drachma will be the equivalent of "out of the frying pan and into the fire." The fire--the HELL--has been the euro and austerity. I am not saying that everything will immediately turn rosy for Greece. Not at all. There will be a period of acute suffering, but then things will normalize and get much better. They will be free of all that crushing debt and austerity. The financial markets will be discounting this and moving higher. Anyway, that's what I think and I am going to put my money where my mouth is.