William K. Black — Greece Proves Again Why Democracy is the Criminal Classes’ Great Fear

Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-06

The people of Greece have just shown great courage, and even greater common sense, in voting “No” in overwhelming numbers against the troika’s war on the Greek people and labor throughout the EU. In recent days we have seen the spectacle of the major media shamelessly lying globally about the referendum and the Greek government – cheered on by the troika. The troika openly sought to depose a second Greek head of state for the high crime of favoring a democratic vote on the troika’s economic malpractice and effort to extort the Greek people by threatening to destroy their economy. The tone and content of the propaganda were extraordinary – and reversed reality.
New Economic Perspectives Greece Proves Again Why Democracy is the Criminal Classes’ Great Fear William K. Black | Associate Professor of Economics and Law, UMKC