Finian Cunningham — Bankrupt Capitalism: The Real Greek Verdict

Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-07

Whatever the outcome of the neck-and-neck Greek referendum on EU-imposed austerity, the real verdict is clear: capitalism is a bankrupt, redundant economic system that has become a scourge on humanity....
Over the past two decades, capitalism has degenerated into a financial casino system, driven by the decline of profits in manufacturing and real production. It is no long a system that provides for human needs. It has become a form of financial parasitism, stock market and currency speculation, dictated by banks and fictitious capital. The system has become divorced from the real world – a realm where the global one per cent thrive while the vast majority of humanity struggle to exist.
Driven by neoliberal ideology of deregulation and regressive taxation where the wealthy pay less and less in tax, whole countries have now found themselves in a form of debt slavery. That has in turn decimated social security through austerity on the unemployed, pensioners and workers. The collapse in economic production has been concealed by the spawning of fictitious capital, which results in the parallel universe of seemingly roaring stock markets and banking. But in the end, it is all debt that is dumped on wider society....
Finian's got his Irish is up, as they say, and well he should considering the fate of Erin before Greece. Anyone see a pattern developing? Sputnik Bankrupt Capitalism: The Real Greek Verdict
Finian Cunningham