Supposedly left leaning NY Times suggests that Europe should "make an example" out of Greece. Bill Black eviscerates.
Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-09
Funny...Conservatives often criticize the NY Times as being a "left leaning" news organization. You wouldn't know that from some of the economic articles that they post. Here's a recent article where the Times appears to suggest that Europe (do they mean, the Troika?) "make an example" out of Greece, as if the Greek people haven't already been made an example of. And Bill Black, in his inimitable way, totally eviscerates the Times. Here's Black:
"It is often the moral and economic blindness of New York Times articles about the EU crisis that is most striking. The newest entry in this field is entitled “Now Europe Must Decide Whether to Make an Example of Greece.” That is a chilling phrase most associated in our popular culture with a Consigliere and his Don deciding whether to order a mob “hit.” It is, therefore, fitting (albeit over the top) as a criticism of the troika’s economic, political, and propaganda war against the Greek people. Except that the article is actually another salvo in that war." Read more.The NY Times is another example of how the supposed "left" or, the "liberals," are left-leaning in name only. Their hypocrisy on nearly all matters economic leave an opening so big that Conservatives can drive a truck through it and they do, every single, time. There are no true liberals or progressives anymore. It's an empty term. That being said, no one should be surprised by the lack of progress for interests of the broader citizenry.