Yanis Varoufakis — "They bury the values of democracy"
Mike Norman Economics 2015-08-18
I once spoke with the former US finance minister, Larry Summers. He said to me: “Yanis, you’ve made a huge strategic mistake.” I asked him in what way. “You won the election.” From the very outset, Syriza has borne the brunt of tremendous anger because we called a programme into question that has been the dominating and unchallenged doctrine in Europe for years: austerity. A policy of cuts that has been failing for years but that is systematically impoverishing our population. It leaves people feeling hopeless. Both young and old. What we are currently experiencing is the total triumph of neoliberalism [over democracy]. It spells the end of humanity.Amen if that is so. But the fat lady hasn't sung just yet. Conquering a small country like Greece is not conquering Europe, let alone the world.
Stern "They bury the values of democracy" Yanis Varoufakis