Martin Armstrong — The Euro on the Brink of Disaster

Mike Norman Economics 2016-07-14

Martin Armstrong predicts the imminent collapse of the euro.
The is starting to illustrate what I have been warning about. The EURO is in effect like a gold standard. When crisis hit, everyone had to suspend the gold standard for World Wars I and II and then upon the fall of Bretton Woods. The currencies were tied to gold which they could not increase its supply. This is the same crisis now with the EURO. Despite the EURO is really just electronic/paper, its quantity is still fixed by the EU membership. No single member state can just increase its supply unilaterally. That would be like trying to maintain a gold standard and one nation revalued its gold to three times that of what everyone else uses. That becomes impossible. The Silver Democrats nearly caused the bankruptcy of the USA for overvaluing silver relative to the world in the 19th century.
This is why the euro CANNOT SURVIVE. You have sovereign states with their own crisis and that demand measures separate and distinct from other members. This is how the euro system will break. It is extremely urgent that you understand the crisis ahead
It's looking, too, like Deutsche Bank many be the new Creditanstalt. Of course, none of this is necessary operationally. but sticking to the rules, as Germany insists upon, will likely bring the entire house of cards down. Armstrong Economics The Euro on the Brink of Disaster