EPA - "Sierra Pacific Industries - Order Remanding in Part and Denying Review in Part"
EPA disasters - Knowledge Mosaic RSS 2013-07-19
Title: Sierra Pacific Industries - Order Remanding in Part and Denying Review in Part Source: EPA Data/Action: EAB Published Decisions Date: 7/18/2013 Text Preview: ...impacts of the Sierra Pacific project on “aesthetics, air quality and
greenhouse gases, biological resources, cultural resources, geology
and soils, hazards......greenhouse gas impacts of
the project, and release of the final EIR in May 2012. The SCDRM
received fourteen comments on the first draft report and four
additional comments on each of the recirculated draft EIRs. In total,
the SCDRM received comments from sixteen different parties (three
of the commenters commented on each of the drafts). In its final EIR,
the SCDRM explained that it had released a revised EIR for comment
(the first revised EIR) because of “the relatively high public interest in
the [greenhouse......– it was primarily focused and
reiterated the same prior comments on [greenhouse
gases] and carbon neutrality towards biomass.
Overall, it was very positive...