Bitter Euro Truths: Crisis Could Damage Merkel's Campaign

SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Greece 2013-08-27


Chancellor Angela Merkel has been forced to concede that Greece will require additional aid -- an admission that has dented her reputation as a crisis manager ahead of the election. But she still hasn't revealed the true scope of the costs facing Germany.


From feeds:

euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Angela Merkel
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Greece
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Germany Votes 2013
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Portugal
euro-exit » vvakrina's bookmarks
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Euro Crisis
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Debt Crisis



Date tagged:

08/27/2013, 12:21

Date published:

08/26/2013, 21:55