Merkel 3.0: Stasis You Can Believe In

SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Germany Votes 2013 2013-08-18


Germans love Angela Merkel, first and foremost because she asks little of them. It is a strategy she will be likely to continue following should she return to the Chancellery for a third term. But it is also one that has blinded Germany to the dangers facing Europe.


From feeds:

euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Angela Merkel
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - German Politics
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Germany Votes 2013
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Euro Crisis
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Debt Crisis


Date tagged:

08/18/2013, 10:08

Date published:

08/16/2013, 10:51