Merkel's Necklace Steals the Show

SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Germany Votes 2013 2013-09-02


Sunday night's debate between conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel and her center-left rival Peer Steinbrück was a tedious affair, and many viewers expressed their boredom online. With three weeks to go before Germany goes to the polls, neither candidate really sparkled. Instead, the star of the show turned out to be the necklace Merkel chose for the occasion, which featured beads in the colors of the German flag.


From feeds:

euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Angela Merkel
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Germany Votes 2013


Date tagged:

09/02/2013, 12:17

Date published:

09/02/2013, 09:20