Energy News Roundup: Global Shale Output Faces Water Stress, EPA Rule Could Boost Cap & Trade and US Power Prices Rise

Breaking Energy 2014-09-02


Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

A new study finds much of the world’s potentially recoverable shale resources are located in regions with limited water resources needed for advanced well completion technology like hydraulic fracturing. “Water risk is one of the most important, but underappreciated challenges when it comes to shale gas development. With 386 million people living on land above

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epa generation oil & gas cap and trade epa carbon rule fracking greenhouse gas emissions hydraulic fracturing power generation power prices shale gas shale resources water use wholesale electricity prices


Jared Anderson

Date tagged:

09/02/2014, 12:11

Date published:

09/02/2014, 09:49