Plug-In EVs in SoCal: The Pros, Cons and No-Big-Deals

Breaking Energy 2013-08-07


"EV Japan" Electric Vehicle Expo 2011 Kicks-Off

In a new white paper on EVs, SoCal Edison reports that it encountered fewer grid problems than expected, though certain challenges remain.   For years, we’ve heard the warnings that plug-in electric vehicles could overload power grids, disrupt utility business models, and leave their owners stranded at the side of the road with no charging… Keep reading →

Tags: California, Electric Vehicles, EVs, Plug-in Hybrid, Power Demand, Power Grid, Reliability, Utilities


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california technology utilities electric vehicles evs power grid reliability plug-in hybrid power demand


Jared Anderson

Date tagged:

08/07/2013, 13:10

Date published:

08/07/2013, 13:00