Defending the Grid Against Electromagnetic Pulses and Geomagnetic Disturbances

Breaking Energy 2013-08-21


Two Large Solar Prominences Erupt On Sun

It’s the stuff of sci-fi movies: a nuclear explosion far overhead or a massive solar flare knocks out electricity for a large chunk, or even all, of the US. But electromagnetic pulses and geomagnetic disturbances, such as large solar flares and storms can, in fact, impact grid functioning. And Maine has become the first state… Keep reading →

Tags: Canada, Centralization, Distributed Generation, Electricity Grid, Electromagnetic Pulse, Foundation for Resilient Societies, Geomagnetic Disturbance, InfraGard National, Maine, Malware, North American Electric Reliability Corporation,, Renewables, stuxnet, The Stella Group, US Navy


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canada malware stuxnet electromagnetic pulse maine regulation us navy renewables new ventures distributed generation centralization electricity grid foundation for resilient societies geomagnetic disturbance infragard national north american electric reliability corporation the stella group


Conway Irwin

Date tagged:

08/21/2013, 14:09

Date published:

08/21/2013, 10:00