Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Victims Penalized’ Over Fraudulent Biodiesel RINs

Breaking Energy 2013-12-20


Global Issues Impact Oil Price

More problems with the Renewable Fuel Standard – an ethanol and biodiesel US transportation fuel supply blending requirement - have arisen with fraud allegations against an Indiana company that sold 33.5 million renewable-fuel credits for biofuel it never produced. This is not the first time fraudulent renewable-fuel credits have disrupted the RIN market and the EPA has been

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epa regulation renewable fuel standard ethanol biomass oil & gas rfs rins transportation fuel afpm american fuel & petrochemical manufacturers biodiesel rin market charles drevna renewable indentification numbers


Jared Anderson

Date tagged:

12/20/2013, 07:24

Date published:

12/19/2013, 10:00