Energy Quote of the Day: ‘Nothing Comes Close to Density of Liquid Fuel’

Breaking Energy 2014-02-28


Price Of Oil Falls Declines During Trading, Gas Prices Creep Upwards

One of the biggest hurdles biofuels need to overcome is replicating the energy density of liquid transport fuels at lower cost. It’s been said that a scientist will never say something is impossible given unlimited funding. Unfortunately, the most brilliant theoretical energy innovations remain confined by economic realities. Breaking Energy recently covered the potential for

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emissions innovation technology biofuels carbon capture carbon capture and sequestration carbon capture and storage carbon dioxide emissions gasoline ghg emissions ghg emissions mitigation liquid fuels transport fuels transportation fuels


Jared Anderson

Date tagged:

02/28/2014, 16:10

Date published:

02/28/2014, 16:00