Energy Quote of the Day: On Jared Leto Coming Out Against the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

Breaking Energy 2014-03-10


86th Annual Academy Awards - Show

We’ve increasingly seen celebrities voice their views on energy-related issues and recent Academy Award winner Jared Leto just joined the crowd when he signed an open letter to Secretary of State John Kerry urging him to recommend Keystone XL pipeline permit disapproval to President Obama. The dramatic letter compares Kerry’s Keystone decision to his 1971

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politics canada carbon dioxide emissions emissions energy policy fossil fuels ghg emissions ghg emissions mitigation global warming greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse gases jared leto john kerry keystone pipeline keystone xl keystone xl pipeline oil pipelines oil sands


Jared Anderson

Date tagged:

03/10/2014, 15:40

Date published:

03/10/2014, 15:30