Eurogroup meets for third go at kicking can down the road

FT Alphaville » Joerg Asmussen 2013-08-01


The Eurogroup meets on Monday for the third time in as many weeks to discuss Greece’s finances. Maybe third time’s the charm?

The focus remains on getting an agreement on the country’s medium-term debt sustainability. The reason for that is two-fold. First, it’s necessary to appease the IMF given its insistence on a haircut (which is politically very difficult for many of the member countries). Second, with the German elections taking place next September, it’s seen as best for all concerned to agree some sort of solution that will allow the question of Greece’s longer-term sustainability to be ignored until late 2013.

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Masa Serdarevic

Date tagged:

08/01/2013, 06:44

Date published:

11/26/2012, 06:49