Draghi’s true alternatives

FT Alphaville » Euro 2014-10-10


Mario Draghi has been very clear about what would push him into the full-blown QE of buying government bonds. He faces some serious opposition from German monetary conservatives even to the less whizzy QE he’s unveiled so far, though — that of buying asset-backed securities.

Full-on QE faces legal difficulties from the ban on financing eurozone governments, as well as deep-seated opposition within Germany and major issues about which government bonds it should buy, and in what proportion. (Italy has the most in issue, so buy mostly Italian debt? Or buy in proportion to shares in the ECB? Or to economic size, meaning the biggest share would be German? Or in proportion to the size of the banking system?).

So it feels like time to explore some alternatives that have been, inexplicably in our view, ignored.

Continue reading: Draghi’s true alternatives



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James Mackintosh

Date tagged:

10/10/2014, 14:01

Date published:

10/10/2014, 12:55