The ECB’s early adopter problem

FT Alphaville » Euro 2015-07-01


You know how Bitcoin miners get a natural advantage in the cryptocurrency pyramid of inequality because of being early adopters that get first dibs on all new currency that’s created?

Turns out the ECB has a similar problem.

Here’s a nice write up of the distributive problems associated with QE-style helicopter drops in the current asset-purchasing framework from Pierre Monnin, a fellow at the Council on Economic Policies (our emphasis):

In practice, targeted money drops, like quantitative easing (QE), do not spread instantaneously throughout the economy. Like a vaccine, money is injected at one place and then disperses more or less quickly to other areas. Stephen Williamson[3] and Olivier Ledoit[4] have closely looked at how a money injection moves through the economy. They both use a model in which different economic groups trade randomly and repeatedly with each other.

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Izabella Kaminska

Date tagged:

07/01/2015, 04:41

Date published:

02/05/2015, 08:14