When countries go bankrupt

FT Alphaville » Italy 2016-05-06


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Going bust is painful. But when you are a country it is particularly awful.

While people and companies have recourse to established legal frameworks that govern their bankruptcies, struggling countries have to tackle debts in what is close to a legal limbo.

As a result, both countries and their creditors are uniquely vulnerable. The former have no formal bankruptcy protection that it can use for an orderly restructuring of its debts, but the latter have few ways to compel a stubborn state to heel (at least in the post-gunboat diplomacy era). The result is a delicate balance — and when it breaks down, it can lead to an unholy mess.

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Robin Wigglesworth

Date tagged:

05/06/2016, 05:24

Date published:

04/27/2016, 10:20