Pricing the German costs of a euro break-up

FT Alphaville » Eurozone Debt Crisis 2013-08-01


Calculating the benefit to Germany from eurozone membership has been attempted numerous times, and proven rather hard to pin down. But what about the opposite? The costs to the country of a euro break-up? Given the importance of Germany’s support to the survival of the euro project, this is a big question, with a tonne of political baggage attached.

The German ministry of finance has done just such an analysis, according to Der Spiegel, and found that the costs of such a break-up and the re-introduction of the D-Mark would lead to an up to 10 per cent fall in GDP in the first year. Unemployment would surge to its record high of over 5m.

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Masa Serdarevic

Date tagged:

08/01/2013, 07:33

Date published:

06/26/2012, 06:27