more QE nonsense

The Center of the Universe » ECB 2015-07-01

Aztec economics- sacrifices made the sun rise…

The same logic also proves QE likewise prevented elephant attacks in Rome this year…

ECB Loans Data Suggests QE is Working

By Todd Duell March 26 (WSJ) — Data showed lending to firms and households rose in February, with loans to corporates rising by €8 billion and loans to households by €1 billion. Moreover, the broad monetary aggregate M3 was up 4% in February in annual terms, above January’s growth of 3.7%. The M1 component of M3 has increased in recent months, having risen by 9.1% on the year in February, after 8.9% in January. The central bank also launched a program last year of conditional four-year loans to banks, designed to encourage commercial banks to pass funds on to eurozone businesses.

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