Løft for åpen tilgang til forskning - Norges forskningsråd
janeriks's bookmarks 2014-06-18
Yesterday, The Research Council of Norway (RCN) released news about its new scheme for funding APCs in Gold OA journals. Research and Higher Education institutions may apply to have up to 50 per cent of their APC costs for publishing in Gold OA journals covered by the Research Council. In the spring of 2015, RCN will accept applications regarding 2014 costs. For HE institutions, RCN will only cover costs incurred by institutional funds, so this is really also a demand for all HE institutions to set up such funds - in line with recommendations in the Govt. white paper on research in the spring of 2013 .RCN has set aside NOK 8 millon to cover such applications for 2014 (about 980,000 EUR, 1 331,000 USD or 783,000 GBP at today's rates). On the one hand, RCN expects institutions not to debit any APCs to RCN project funding, but on the other hand this APC scheme will cover any APC paid, irrespective of who has funded the research behind it. Hybrid APCs are not funded, as we read the message from RCN, and we understand it that only journals listed in DOAJ and accredited on level 1 or 2 (and 2A) in the Norwegian system for funding institutions will be eligible. Further information is expected to follow during the latter half of 2014. RCN has been asked to publish this information in English, this might be forthcoming ...
http://www.forskningsradet.no/no/Nyheter/Loft_for_apen_tilgang_til_forskning/1253997027663?WT.mc_id=nyhetsbrev-ForskningsradetNorskFrom feeds:
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