Profiteering: Crisis Has Saved Germany 40 Billion Euros

SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Euro Crisis 2013-08-20


Germany has profited from the euro crisis to the tune of 41 billion euros in reduced interest payments. Strong demand for its debt has cut yields and made it cheaper for Germany to borrow. Meanwhile, the crisis has only cost Germany a mere 599 million euros thus far.


From feeds:

euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Portugal
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Spain
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - France
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Italy
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Euro Crisis
euro-exit » SPIEGEL ONLINE - International - Debt Crisis


Date tagged:

08/20/2013, 03:39

Date published:

08/19/2013, 05:38