11/17/17-11/18/17: After the Digital Tornado: Networks, Algorithms, and Humanity – IP and IT Conferences
data_society's bookmarks 2017-07-20
November 17–18, 2017 The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
Networks powered by algorithms are eating everything. Many contemporary technology trends—Internet of Things, Big Data, Platform Economy, Blockchain, and Algorithmic Society—are manifestations of this larger phenomenon. Growing tensions around governance, innovation, surveillance, competition, consumer/worker protection, privacy, and discrimination are best understood within a broader frame. The algorithmic networked world poses deep questions about power, freedom, fairness, and human agency.
Twenty years ago, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission issued the working paper, “Digital Tornado,” one of the first examinations by a government agency of the transformative potential of the internet. Today we find ourselves in a world where little remains untouched by the wave of digital connectivity. Yet fundamental questions remain unresolved, and new questions have emerged. Through the conference and associated edited volume, a distinguished interdisciplinary group of scholars will consider the challenges and opportunities as the physical and digital worlds merge.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Yochai Benkler (Harvard Law School)
- Julie Cohen (Georgetown Law)
- Brett Frischmann (Villanova)
- Kartik Hosanagar (Wharton)
- Orly Lobel (San Diego Law School)
- Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger (Oxford)
- Deirdre Mulligan (UC Berkeley)
- Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell Tech)
- Christian Sandvig (Michigan)
- Siva Vaidhyanathan (Virginia)
- Kevin Werbach (Wharton)
- Tim Wu (Columbia Law)
- Shoshana Zuboff (Harvard Business School)
Registration will be free but space is limited. To be notified when registration is available, please email info@digitaltornado.net.