04/18/18-04/20/18: AOM Specialized Conference - Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy
data_society's bookmarks 2017-07-20
Big data and digital technologies have impacted the modern workplace and stimulated the evolution of new forms of management. Connect with scholars advancing this rapidly evolving field and jump-start your own exploration of how big data and digital technologies are changing how we work and the world we live in. The Academy of Management Specialized Conference, “Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy” is your invitation to join academics in business schools, related social science and other fields, and practitioners who value knowledge creation and application, to examine the expanding field of big data. The digital phenomenon is multifaceted and changes the way organizations compete and innovate. It threatens long-lasting business models, and opens up new ways of creating and capturing value. As such, it is not only clearly relevant for management practitioners, but also centrally important for management scholars.
From research to best practices, this conference features a comprehensive program of presentations, active learning workshops, and panel discussions that provide the key learning and networking opportunities you need—to make the most of your scholarship and ideas.