12/08/17: Black in AI [abstract deadline: Oct. 13]
data_society's bookmarks 2017-09-17
The first Black in AI event will take place at NIPS 2017 in Long Beach, California on December 8th from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. We invite black AI researchers from around the world to share their work and learn about others’ research. The workshop will have invited talks from prominent researchers, oral presentations, and a poster session. There will also be socials to facilitate networking, discussion of different career opportunities in AI, and sharing of ideas to increase participation of black researchers in the field. We invite all black researchers, including undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and researchers in industry to participate in this workshop. People of all races are also invited to attend the workshop to learn about the research being conducted by black researchers across the world.
http://ai.stanford.edu/~tgebru/blackAIFrom feeds:
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